Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby "A" - {Newborn} - Sneak Peek!

If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know how much I loooove newborn babies. I could squeeze them, hold them, cuddle them and photograph them all. day. long. This baby girl holds an even more special place in my heart because this is my niece! 

I know what you are thinking - it's my family, so they have to hire me. But that is anything but the truth! They don't even live in the same state as me and it would be much easier for them to use someone there. Lucky for me, they always ask me to do all of their family photos!! :)

Sweet baby A slept through the ENTIRE session. She let me fold her, bend her, change outfits 247 times (okay, maybe not that many), change headbands and move her  - all without waking up once. And even if I am biased, I think she is such a beautiful baby! Her parents and older brother are certainly showering her with love and I can't wait to get my hands (and camera) on her again!

Here are just a few of my favorites from her session!

I am in love with her cute, pouty lips!

Congrats again on your new baby girl!!


1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful pictures! Grammy is so excited to have a wonderfully talented daughter who takes awesome pictures of all my grand babies. Thanks for all the time and energy you put in preparing for your photo shoots and the love and dedication that goes into editing and presenting the final results. Some may think that as a mother I might be biased, but I say the proof is in the final product. Can't wait to see the rest!
