Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Homemade Garlic Hummus - {Recipe}

While declaring my undying love for hummus the other night on Twitter, I jokingly made a comment about loving it so much I wanted to dedicate a blog to it. After receiving several tweets back saying "DO IT!!" or "Give me that recipe!" and others like that - I decided to go ahead and give you guys the super easy, delicious recipe for homemade garlic hummus.

Your tummy will thank you and love you forever if you make it!

Here are the ingredients.

1 can of Chick Peas (Garbanzo beans)
1-2 tsp of minced garlic (personal preference as to how much)
4 T lemon juice
2 T olive oil
a few dashes of cumin
dash of salt

Step one:
Drain the can of chick peas & shake off excess water.

Step 2:
Put garlic & chick peas in a blender or handy chopper & chop them up until they are paste-like.

Step 3:
Add in lemon juice, olive oil, salt & cumin. Blend it all together until it is a nice, creamy consistency.
At this point, I always taste it & see if it needs any extra garlic or cumin.

Step 4:
Put a few extra dashes of cumin on the top, if so desired.

Step 5:
Eat, eat, eat! 
Some of my favorite ways to have hummus are with slices of bell pepper, baby carrots, pita chips, naan, and triscuits!

And this is for those among us who hate having a huge mess to clean up...
These are the only dirty dishes I had from making the hummus!

I'd love to hear if you try it!



  1. I love making my own hummus. I have taken it one step further and cook dried garbanzo beans instead of canned.

  2. This is very similar to the recipe I use - except it has more lemon juice & adds cumin! I may try this variation and see how I like it! Yum! :)

  3. YUM!!! I sometimes roast other veggies, like red peppers, and add to my homemade hummus! :-) I love making HM Hummus!!! Thanks for sharing your recipe...I plan to try it! ~Jenny
