Monday, January 23, 2012

Exciting News! - {Personal}

If you are one of my lovely followers over on Facebook, then you probably saw this news on Friday. I wanted to make sure I shared it with you guys too though incase you missed out!

This..... is my sweet little boy who will be making his appearance in July!

Can you see the resemblance? Hah! ;)

After the announcement, I have been getting emails & Facebook messages asking if I would still be doing sessions. 
I will be doing sessions, weddings & events until the end of May (pending there aren't any complications with my pregnancy- and I'm totally hoping for that!). If I am feeling okay, I might take on a few sessions in June, but that is not a guarantee. If you know you want a session with me, please book before then!  After he arrives, I will take a few months off but plan to be back doing sessions and events again in October.

So what does this mean for you?

If you want to have a regular session with me before June, I *highly* suggest you book soon and don't delay. Some dates as late as April are already fully booked and my schedule is quickly filling up. 

If you want me to photograph your wedding or event in 2012, I suggest you book now. The sooner the better. 

If you are wanting a fall session, it would be wise to go ahead and schedule it. I fully anticipate my fall schedule to book months in advance!

And finally, if you are having a baby this summer and know you want me to do your newborn photos - give me a call so we can chat! I will do what I can to make sure it will work out.

Thank you all for your kind words & congratulations over the news! Although it was more than a little unexpected, I have fully embraced it and can't wait to meet the new little man who will soon melt my heart!



  1. Look at you!!! Booking months in advance!! YAY Krystal!!! XOXO

    And so excited to meet baby #2! :)

  2. YEAH!!!!Our 2 kiddos will be so close in age...making tailgating & get togethers all the more fun. I definitely want you to do our baby pictures since Kyla's pictures turned out so adorable....not sure what age would be best though....her pictures were so cute at 4 months b/c of her smiles & personality showing through, but maybe we can sneek in some newborn due date is 4/28. Let me know if you have any sessions scheduled in Austin in May
